As a new organization started in early 2022 The Nawakamal Mitra Semesta Foundation is now supported by a small team of a board of advisors and 5 executive staffs. The staffs are experienced in any aspects such as: (1) Participatory training methods; (2) Community organizing; (3) Community Based Planning; (4) Social research; (5)  Series training on the issue of mental disorder, community based rehabilitation, and technical practices to care and handle people with mental disorders.

Organization Staff:

Emilianus Elip  (Director) : Founder. Anthropologist. Experienced on: Participatory and evaluation facilitation, module development and training facilitator,  and social cultural research.

Latihatul Husniah  (Secretary and Office Administration) :  Background on Nursing discipline.  Experienced in event management activities such as training, workshops, media development and campaigns.

Sumiati  (Treasure) : Economist background. Nawakamal organization treasure.

Maryama Nihayah (Research Coordinator)Background on the master's degree in Physicologist discipline.  Experienced in psycho-social research, developing training materials as well as a handbook on community mental health issues, and as facilitator of training.

Kuni Aisyah Habibah (Program Coordinator) : Background on the Physicologist discipline. Experienced in project management, field facilitator on Community Based Rehabilitation, Self Help Group (SHG) development, advocation process to related institutions, training module development, and facilitator of training.

Field Workers: Our executive team is also supported by field workers who work on a contract basis in programs that are currently actively running. They come from and live at least in the sub-districts of the program area. Currently, there are 4 field workers,  1 person working in Gunungkidul District, 1 person in Kulonprogo District, 1 person in Bantul District, and 1 person in Sleman District.

Certificate Legal Institution:

Certificate Notariat Acta: No. 3/December-2022 Notariat of Suwasti Yudani, S.H., M.Kn. Registered as NGO in Minitry of Law and Human Rights No: AHU-0025236.AH.01.04./ 2022.

Tax Number:  02-683-050-5-542-000

Bank name : BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (BRI) – Cabang Maguwoharjo, Yogyakarta

Account Number : 3077 01 031682 538  

Account Name :  Yayasan Nawakamal

Office Address:

Jln. S. Hartono No. 76, Gondangan, 
Sardonoharjo Village, Sub-district of  Ngaglik
Jl. Kaliurang Km. 9,5
Sleman District, DIY Province, Indonesia
Email :

The staff of Nawakamal Foundation several times invited by the Working Team 
Of Mental Health Action of Yogyakarta Provincial Government to facilitate 
a workshop on the Province Action Plan on Mental Health Issue. This picture
 is the the workshop event in August 2022.

Febriana Ndaru Rosita and Maryama Nihayah are guest speakers from 
Nawakamal Foundation in the workshop.