Nawakamal Mitra Semesta previously named Nawakamal Foundation has been working since 2009. However, due to the situation and social problems that have changed, as well as changes in the organization's staff, a new Vision, Mission, and Program has needed to formulate since February 2022 and update our blog to https://www.nawakamal.org

Globally, mental disorders are now tobe one of the important concern. In 2019 WHO report that 970 million people in the world suffer from mental illness, then in 2020 reported that almost 1 bilion people. More than 75% of those affected being from developing countries (WHO, 2018). In Indonesia recently in November 2023, Ministry of Health announced that 1 of 10 people in Indonesia experiencing mental disorder. Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals platform for 2030 (SDGs-30), stated that the vision is “no one left behind  in the world development process.

Situation in Indonesia: Mental health problems have recently been attracting attention from the Indonesian Government to be implemented as a national initiative. The mental health service system for People With Mental Disorders (PwMD) has been implemented for all provinces and regions in Indonesia, yet program developments in each region are rather different. Indonesia Ministry of Health which tiredlessly promotes mental health and fights for better government’s support. Few mental health programs are launched nationally such as Indonesia Bebas Pasung (a movement to free people living with severe mental illness from being physically shackled, chained or locked out in confinement throughout Indonesia), Desa Siaga Sehat Jiwa/DSSJ (village which is mentally healthy), Kader Kesehatan Jiwa/KKJ (Village Mental Health Cadre),  Posyandu Jiwa, and inclusion of mental health services in national insurance program (BPJS). Other efforts have been made by the government i.e inclusion of mental health in national health census called Riset Kesehatan Dasar or Riskesdas (Basic Health Research), and the launching of Mental Health National Laws in the year of 2014 and Disability Law 2016. Riskesdas (Basic Health Research) 2007 by Ministry of Health reported that the national prevalence of serious mental disorders in Indonesia is 0.5%. This data has jumped sharply according to the latest Riskesdas data in 2018, where about 1.67% of people in Indonesia experience on schizophrenia/psychosis (a type of serious mental disorder).  In the current Covid-19 Pandemic era, it is very possible that mental disorders are getting higher.

Many problems that occur in most Indonesia regions such as: (1) The stigma is still strong, and low social support; (2) Pasung cases (shackled/restraint) still often occurs; (3) Many  PwMDs do not listed or recorded in Family Identity Card (Kartu Keluarga) and have no Identity Card (KTP) so most of them do not involve or get any government program for the poor and other citizen rights (either in education, health, or others including rights in government election) for poor famely; (4) Families are ashamed to have PwMD family member; (5) Most family of PwMD is poor; (6) Low understanding and skill of PwMD families regarding mental health and how to provide basic services; (7) Most community members (village cadres, village government staff, community leaders, even medical staff of Primary Health Care Unit) have no good understand what mental disorder is and how to handle or provide basic services; (7) Government institutions in province and district level, also still lack of knowledge and concern about the mental health issue and the need PwMD. 

Nawakamal Mitra Semesta Foundation aims to empowering people with mental disorder and their family through community based rehabilitation (CBR) approach as guiding by WHO. We are also inspiring by SDGs vision 2030 "no one left behind", including people with mental disorder and the family. We raising awareness, trying to reduce stigma, promote inclusion, strategic advocation and develop capacity building to people with mental disorder and family, local cadre, village government, and other government institutions in district and provincial level, so they could serve and dealing with community mental health issues. 

Contact email  nawakamalfoundation@gmail.com

Please don't hesitate to contact us 
as we need your support and cooperation
to develop our activities.

People with mental disorder who to be "pasung" (restrain, stocks)
by his family. There are so many "pasung" cases  in Indonesia.

Another case of "pasung" which happened in Gunungkidul 
district, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia.